01:59:392011-04-30 01:59:39Did you know?
The horse doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong. He only understands in terms of what is. If I kick and he does a behavior after that, whatever that behavior is, he thinks that’s what he’s suppose to do. He doesn’t think in terms of this is right behavior and this is wrong behavior.
Humans give birth, dogs whelp, cattle calve, sheep lamb, goats freshen and horses foal. Foaling usually takes around 30 minutes, typically in the night hours or early morning. 03:26:522011-03-13 03:26:52DID YOU KNOW? 02:14:272011-03-09 02:14:27DID YOU KNOW?
Cowlicks are swirls of hair (tufts of convergent or divergent patterns) that can be found on some horses, usually on the forehead, cheeks, neck, belly and hips. No amount of styling gel can tame these swirls. 19:41:432011-03-04 19:41:43DID YOU KNOW? 19:40:452011-03-04 19:40:45DID YOU KNOW?
Remember the letters (A, K, E, H, C, M, B, and F) around the small dressage arena by learning these acronyms: All King Edward’s Horses Can Manage Big Fences, or A Kindly Elephant Has Crushed My Blinking Foot!
When God created the horse he said to the magnificent creature: I have made thee as no other. All the treasures of the earth lie between thy eyes. Thou shalt carry my friends upon thy back. Thy saddle shall be the seat of prayers to me. And thou fly without wings, and conquer without any […] 04:54:112011-02-26 04:54:11When God created the horse . . .
It is freedom so indominable that it becomes useless to imprison it to serve man. It lets itself be domesticated, but with a simple, rebellious toss of the head – shaking its mane like an abundance of free-flowing hair – it shows that its inner nature is always wild, translucent and free. 04:48:072011-02-26 04:48:07What is a horse?
Did you know?
A direct tie is when the lead rope that is attached to the halter is tied to a hitching rail or ring on a wall. A quick-release slip knot is standard.
The freedom of riding horseback has a place all its own; the companionship of a horse means you’ll never be alone. Herman Geithoom
The horse doesn’t understand
The horse doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong. He only understands in terms of what is. If I kick and he does a behavior after that, whatever that behavior is, he thinks that’s what he’s suppose to do. He doesn’t think in terms of this is right behavior and this is wrong behavior.
Humans give birth, dogs whelp, cattle calve, sheep lamb, goats freshen and horses foal. Foaling usually takes around 30 minutes, typically in the night hours or early morning.
One of the rarest colors of horse is the grulla (prounounced grew-ya) or grullo (grew-o), also known as black dun, blue dun or lobo dun
Cowlicks are swirls of hair (tufts of convergent or divergent patterns) that can be found on some horses, usually on the forehead, cheeks, neck, belly and hips. No amount of styling gel can tame these swirls.
Three-quarters of fresh horse poop is water and the last portion is dead bacteria, undigested fiber, fats, dead cells, and phosphates.
Dressage Arena Letters
Remember the letters (A, K, E, H, C, M, B, and F) around the small dressage arena by learning these acronyms: All King Edward’s Horses Can Manage Big Fences, or A Kindly Elephant Has Crushed My Blinking Foot!
When God created the horse . . .
When God created the horse he said to the magnificent creature: I have made thee as no other. All the treasures of the earth lie between thy eyes. Thou shalt carry my friends upon thy back. Thy saddle shall be the seat of prayers to me. And thou fly without wings, and conquer without any […]
What is a horse?
It is freedom so indominable that it becomes useless to imprison it to serve man. It lets itself be domesticated, but with a simple, rebellious toss of the head – shaking its mane like an abundance of free-flowing hair – it shows that its inner nature is always wild, translucent and free.